Parking Complexes parking in Los Angeles, Ca
How would you like to do business with a company that you can depend on for professional and efficient Restaurant Valet Parking Services? UNIFIED PARKING prides itself on the team of professionally trained, friendly and courteous valet parking staff. Their expertise, reliability and professionalism can be witnessed in very prestigious restaurants in areas like One Colorado and the Lake District in Pasadena, Los Angeles Live, Chinatown and many others. Throughout the past and into the present, the core of our strength is in our passion to provide “Quality Service” and we achieve this by having a clear understanding of Customer Service with an on-going training program, safety in handling every vehicle, maintaining clean and secured facilities, presenting a professional appearance, revenue control systems that maximize parking spaces and profit, using the latest in parking equipment and full insurance coverage.
At UNIFIED PARKING, we recognize that providing valet parking service for your restaurant is understanding that we are the “First Impression” of your facility and whether you are an L.A. Live, Chinatown, Staple Center or Old Town Pasadena Restaurant venue, we are here to address your valet parking needs: CUSTOMER SERVICE SAFETY PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE